The FCJ Young Companions group of Yogyakarta (SaMuda) gathered for an exciting weekend at Omah Petroek, Yogyakarta. Members of the 2018 and 2019 batches joined in, and altogether there were 28 persons. The main purpose of this event was to get to know each other better.
The program began with an ice breaker, followed by an activity in which each participant was asked to share her/his most memorable experiences of being part of SaMuda, using symbols, shapes or colors. There were various sessions during the weekend on aspects of FCJ spirituality that included personal and small group reflection times. The ability to listen to each other is one of the keys to companionship within the SaMuda community, and one of the goals of various fun activities was to foster bonding among members of the two year-groups so that companionship will grow ever stronger.

The highlight of the weekend was input from Michael Seno Rahardanto. Danto is currently a lecturer. He was supported through his studies by the FCJ Sisters. The main points of Danto’s sharing were his self-awareness to be brave in making decisions, to learn how to listen to others and how to give valuable and encouraging opinions or suggestions. Danto also highlighted that God always works for His people. Danto’s presence and sharing gave inspiration to SaMuda members as they grow in their understanding and living of FCJ spirituality.

One of the participants, stated that the highlight for her was the Saturday evening session when young people could share about their family situation. She felt that by doing this participants started to be more open to each other. According to her, SaMuda members learn to accept and understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses and to be more honest with each other. In this way trust would develop in the community. She hopes that the SaMuda Community can be a way of light, a place for young Catholics to find their identity and make peace with the past experiences to make their lives happier.
Submitted by Chicilia Rosa Linda Keban
Public Relations Student
ASMI Santa Maria Yogyakarta
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