We, the Faithful Companions of Jesus, were founded in France on Holy Thursday 30th March 1820. With gratitude and joy for God’s faithfulness we are celebrating our bicentenary year from 21st September 2019, birthday of our foundress, Marie Madeleine d’Houët, until the Feast of Christ the King in November 2020.

With gratitude we marvel at what God has accomplished in and through us, trusting in God’s on-going strength and support. Jesus’s call to discipleship has its own particular context in our time. His cry ‘I thirst’ which meant so much to Marie Madeleine is heard in a particular way in every age.
What a challenge to celebrate with fidelity and joy in the midst of so much suffering. Yet, that’s surely our gift- given and accepted by Marie Madeleine on Holy Thursday 1820. We are connected through technology today and united in prayer of thanksgiving for 200 years of loving service and intercession for blessings of hope and healing for our world at this difficult time.
Le bon Dieu conduit tout lui-même.
God – Beauty, Truth, Goodness – is doing everything.FCJ Bicentenary Theme

Follow our celebration on the Bicentenary News page and on social media #FCJ200.