Protecting the vulnerable – Britain

Protecting the vulnerable – Britain
Protecting the vulnerable - Britain
Inspired by Gospel values, we Faithful Companions of Jesus in Britain strive to live with integrity, respecting the dignity and the rights of each person, particularly those of children and vulnerable adults. We wish to honour the well-established right of all children and vulnerable adults to be respected, nurtured and protected.
Safeguarding Policy of the FCJ Society in Britain
Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ Society) is committed to safeguarding all children and adults. For the FCJ Society, this commitment directly relates to the fact that we are all made in the image of God and the Church’s common belief in the preciousness, dignity and uniqueness of every human life. We start from the principle that each person has a right to expect the highest level of protection, love, encouragement, and respect. Following on from the safeguarding reviews in 2020 we are committed to the One Church Approach to safeguarding by implementing the changes needed and ensuring we respond to victims/survivors promptly and compassionately.
Strong in companionship with Jesus and with each other we work together in the service of the Church
to build the body of Christ.FCJ Constitutions
The FCJ Society is a member of the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) and the Religious Life Safeguarding Service (RLSS)
The Faithful Companions of Jesus are committed –
to the Safeguarding Policies of the Catholic Church in England, Wales, and Scotland. In other words, they are committed to protect children, young people and adults at risk from neglect; physical, psychological, sexual, institutional, discriminatory and financial abuse; and modern slavery, and to creating a safe and caring environment for all with whom they work.
Full documentation of these Policies and Procedures can be found on the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency website:
In the event that there is abuse and mistreatment of children, young people and adults at risk, we have clear procedures in place for dealing with complaints against a Sister, an employee or a volunteer. The FCJ Society will ensure that any allegations of abuse are promptly reported and that the statutory authorities which may become involved are given the fullest support and that the person against whom an allegation is made receives appropriate support.
The rights of children, young people and adults at risk must be recognised, affirmed and safeguarded.
Please click here to access the FCJ Safeguarding Policy for Britain.
Safeguarding Policies and Procedures in the Catholic Church
Full information is available on the Full documentation of these Policies and Procedures can be found on the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency website:
Policy Statement of the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church of England and Wales, the Bishops and Religious Congregational Leaders are committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church and affirm a ‘One Church’ approach to safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk through the promotion of a sustained culture of constant vigilance. The ‘best interests’ or ‘paramount chief principle’, which underpins and is enshrined in child and adult protection legislation, shall be the primary consideration in all matters of safeguarding. The One Church approach refers to the commitment by the Church in England and Wales to using the same policies, procedures, standards, and systems in relation to safeguarding.
All who are working in the name of the Church with children, young people and adults at risk are expected to be accountable and transparent and to have in place arrangements which include:
- Codes of conduct
- Training on safeguarding
- Safer recruitment procedures
- Support and supervision of staff and volunteers
- Information sharing arrangements
- Procedures to respond to and report concerns and allegations
Codes of Conduct – Integrity in Ministry document
The aim of this document is to support Religious and others, who work or minister alongside them on behalf of the Church, in their effort to live dedicated and committed lives. It seeks to offer them an ecclesial context for measuring their behaviour as witnesses and ministers of the Church’s mission. While conscious of the need to protect against harm, its goal is to provide positive guidelines both for healthy lives among Religious, and for the highest standards of pastoral practice.
Training on Safeguarding
Training is available through Religious Life Safeguarding Service (RLSS) of which the FCJ Society is a member. The Safeguarding Lead will also facilitate training updates to the FCJ Sisters, and workers.
Safer Recruitment Procedures Guidance
The FCJ Society will ensure that all FCJ Sisters and workers, voluntary and employees are subject to the appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (including enhanced DBS) in line with both statutory and Catholic Church requirements.
Appointments will be based on the person’s experience, skills and ability to meet the set criteria and job specification for the specific role. It is essential to ensure that all documentation relating to the applicant is stored in a secure place and remains confidential.
Appointment to a role will not be confirmed until a satisfactory DBS Disclosure check has been received and previous employment references confirmed as being acceptable.
On appointment, all new employees will be provided with the FCJ Safeguarding Policy document and asked to sign to say they understand and accept this document and their responsibilities within it.
All persons seeking to work with children or adults whether in a paid or unpaid capacity must be provided with the opportunity to self-disclose relevant conviction information. This is a DBS Code of Practice requirement and applies to anyone being asked to have an Enhanced Disclosure.
Information sharing arrangements
Sharing of any relevant safeguarding information will follow the Data Protection Guidelines of the Country
Procedures to Respond to and Report Concerns and Allegations
All concerns must be brought to the Safeguarding Lead/ Provincial who in turn will contact the RLSS who will advice on the action that needs to be taken.
Never delay in taking action. To do nothing is not an option.
When a report is made about risks of harm to a child or an adult at risk, the person making the allegation or raising the concern is often concerned to do so ‘in confidence.’ It needs to be made clear that full confidentiality can never be promised.
The guiding principles for any person in receipt of information about a concern or allegation should be to:
Listen, Record, Refer
If you have any concerns about the welfare of children, young people or adults at risk,
please contact the
FCJ Safeguarding Lead for FCJ England
Sr Bernadette Coughlin FCJ
Tel +44 (0)7375 801201
safeguarding @
Please click here to access the FCJ Safeguarding Policy for Britain.