Responding to the Calls of the 2019 General Chapter

Submitted by Sr Tyas, fcJ from the Ende community, Flores, Indonesia

Since the spread of COVID began cases have been decreasing and we are now allowed to hold gatherings while still following health protocols. On a Saturday in September we invited thirty-three college students to the FCJ community in Ende. We offered various activities – prayer, introductions, games, input and reflection – all with the aim of developing self-empowerment. This is where the presence of FCJ is needed.  As the Calls of our 2019 General Chapter invite us to compassionate action, widening our circle of love, we continue to accompany young people so that they know themselves more deeply, claim their potential, and prepare themselves for becoming involved in Church and BEC.

It is most encouraging to hear that ten participants are interested in joining the upcoming FCJ leadership training program and have made a commitment to attend leadership training every last Saturday of the month. They also want to be involved in the monthly Taizé prayer at our FCJ community.