SaMuda or Sahabat Muda is a community that promotes Ignatian Spirituality and friendship among young Catholics in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The latest meeting was held on Sunday, 31st March at the Sarasvita FCJ Center. Members of this group are women and men between 19-35 years. They are studying or working.
The story of the FCJ foundress Marie Madeleine has inspired the FCJ Sisters in Yogyakarta to work for the education of young people. SaMuda is one form of youth work which provides spiritual assistance to young people. SaMuda is led by a team which is run by Sr Irene, fcJ. The aim of SaMuda is to help young people relate to God through Ignatian Spirituality so that life is more meaningful and happier for them. SaMuda helps young people to have quality friendships and times of sharing, to know themselves better, to love God more deeply, and to contribute to life through service.

SaMuda is based on three pillars: friendship, spirituality, and service. The program is one-year long and delivered through a series of monthly meetings. The meetings are designed to strengthen relationships within the SaMuda community. Participants are helped to understand and accept their life experience and to grow stronger as persons so they can live happy lives in service of others. They grow in knowledge of Saint Ignatius of Loyola and of Marie Madeleine d’Houët. They are taught how to pray and reflect and to find and love God in all things. Participants gradually grow in their understanding of their vocation and of the purpose of their lives. They learn to to discern and make good decisions.

Verena Butet Hanis, a member of SaMuda, admitted that she was happy and enjoyed the activities and wanted to continue to attend each meeting. « I hope that I can forgive and love myself, so that I can forgive and love others with full sincerity, » she said.
Chicilia Rosa Linda Keban
Student of Public Relations Study Program
ASMI Santa Maria Yogyakarta
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