Hope and the Nearness of God – Lent 2022

Hope and the nearness of God book

Bloomsbury has just published a new book by Sr Teresa White fcJ, Hope and the Nearness of God, as their 2022 Lent Book. 

In these days of pandemic, war and political turbulence, hope can seem to be in short supply. But hope is one of the theological virtues and it is far more profound than mere optimism. Today, pessimism and despair seem all too prevalent. What can we do about the poor and starving, about those who seem to be locked in interminable conflict and families weighed down by the consequences of breakdown? Continue reading the book’s description at Bloomsbury‘s website.

Sr Teresa a former teacher, she spent many years in the ministry of spirituality at Katherine House, an FCJ retreat and conference centre in Salford, UK. Read more of Sr Teresa’s contributions in our website and in Thinking Faith.

Image credit: Bloomsbury’s website