Moving forward

Beyond the General Chapter 2008 … and through the open door …

A general chapter is always a key moment for each FCJ Sister as we take time to look at our individual lives and our life as a group across the world so that we may be led by the Holy Spirit into the future.

The General Chapter 2008, reflecting on the theme „Through the Open Door„, gave direction to the FCJ Society for the next five years. Through this door is our world, inviting us into its beauty and diversity, its suffering and need. Our charism of companionship is an amazing gift for our world today. This companionship urges us to communion, embracing all persons and all things, excluding no one and no thing from our love and compassion. It urges us to witness to gentleness and reconciliation in a growing culture of violence. It urges us to collaboration and mutuality.

The Chapter’s reflection led to a Decree (open here) and an invitation that

in the light of the world-wide food and water crisis,
and as a response to the ‘I thirst’ of Jesus,
we find ways to take action wherever we are
and engage in advocacy where possible.


What is a General Chapter

Our Constitutions describe a general chapter as entering in a special way into the paschal mystery, in the hope of continual conversion and renewal, individual and corporate so that we may search in faith for God’s will in the contemporary church and the contemporary world(Cons. 276)

The quality of any General Chapter depends on all FCJs since the outcome of the chapter depends on the quality of the preparation, on each FCJ contributing to the best of her ability to the preparation process.

General Chapters are held to discern the future directions of the FCJ Society and to elect members of our Central Leadership. This Chapter will be electing a general superior and her assistants.