Christian Unity

Nablus Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Poster

An reflection by Sr Clare, fcJ, first appeared at FCJ Sisters Blog

We are coming to the end of a beautiful Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This year’s prayers, based on the story of the visit of the Magi to the Holy Family in Bethlehem, were prepared by the churches of the Middle East.

How touching to be drawn towards greater understanding, union and action by those who have suffered so much in recent times. We were called to work together to relieve pain and suffering, and to work without ceasing to create a better world for all. It is so much better when we set our differences aside and focus on harmony, union and on the call to go out and serve others.

Image credit: Poster prepared by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. Original photo: Nablus, Dr. Michael Loadenthal (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).