FCJ 1000 Pledges for the Earth

FCJ 1000 Pledges for the Earth

The FCJ Sisters in the Area of Europe are getting ready to mark Laudato Si Week 19-26 May 2024. This year the theme of the Week is Seeds of Hope. 

We aim to gather 1000+ pledges of actions (small or large) that people will take in caring for our common home. Each person will be able to make their pledge online at bit.ly/FCJ1000Pledges or via a small card which we have produced for our parishes and schools.

The initiative is designed around Laudate Deum paragraphs #70 and #71 which assure us of the significance of small actions in shaping cultural change.

Let us realize, then, that even though this does not immediately produce a notable effect from the quantitative standpoint, we are helping to bring about large processes of transformation rising from deep within society.

Pope Francis, Laudate Deum #71

People are invited to do any small (or large!) additional thing… pray, plant a tree, use a bamboo toothbrush, lobby parliament… etc. These pledges will be gathered and shared in Laudato Si Week.

You can make your pledge online as a community, group or individual using this link: bit.ly/FCJ1000Pledges

Laudate Deum, by Pope Francis

70. Nonetheless, every little bit helps, and avoiding an increase of a tenth of a degree in the global temperature would already suffice to alleviate some suffering for many people. Yet what is important is something less quantitative: the need to realize that there are no lasting changes without cultural changes, without a maturing of lifestyles and convictions within societies, and there are no cultural changes without personal changes.

71. Efforts by households to reduce pollution and waste, and to consume with prudence, are creating a new culture. The mere fact that personal, family and community habits are changing is contributing to greater concern about the unfulfilled responsibilities of the political sectors and indignation at the lack of interest shown by the powerful. Let us realize, then, that even though this does not immediately produce a notable effect from the quantitative standpoint, we are helping to bring about large processes of transformation rising from deep within society.