Latest Issue of FCJNews

FCJNews 2022 June cover

The latest issue of FCJNews, the newsletter of the FCJ Sisters in Australia is out! The issue celebrates 140 years of FCJ presence and mission in Australia.

Sr Barbara Brown-Graham, fcJ, Area Leader, writes in the foreword “Catholic education in Australia has been much in our consciousness over the past two years as we have taken part in the bicentenary celebrations of the first Catholic school established at Parramatta in October 1820. Our own FCJ story forms part of this rich tapestry of education: for this wonderful mission and our part in it, we give thanks to God.”

Check it out to read about the renewal of vows of Sr Cecilia in Myanmar, profiles on the lives of Sr Annunciata fcJ (1926-2021) and Mother Mother Mary Philomena Douglas (1897–1958), and news from FCJ College Benalla and Genazzano FCJ College.

Thanks to all contributors! Past issues of FCJNews are available on our website.

Read the latest issue: