Recently the Teachers Education Centre and St Mary’s School in Pekhon Diocese (Myanmar) organized a 3-day guided retreat for their trainees and teachers as a continuation of their human and spiritual development programme. The retreat setting was a place of great natural beauty, on a hill overlooking Lake Pekhon, where a shrine in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes, built in 1982, is now a national place of pilgrimage visited by Catholics from all over the country. There were 23 participants and for most of them, it was their first experience of this type of retreat. On the third day, there was an ‘Emmaus Sharing’ when each participant shared the fruit of the retreat with a companion. Sisca fcJ (Fransisca Arti Setiati) was one of the spiritual guides, and she said it was indeed a privilege to accompany the group spiritually and to experience the hospitality of the local Kayan tribes.
Easter Retreat for Teachers in Pekhon Diocese, Myanmar