Smiling Girl with Yellow Umbrella

„Where there is Sadness, Joy“ (St. Francis)

A reflection by Sr Ita, fcJ on how an image of pure delight has been an antidote to the other images of pain, murder, death and violence which reach us daily from the news.

An image seen somewhere recently in the plethora of images that come at us from our screens – a little girl, out in the rain, booted, raincoated and carrying a huge colourful umbrella – an image that remains with me. She is holding the umbrella away, out to the side and lifting her face to the rain with a huge grin, letting the rain wash her head and face. She is in the moment, experiencing what is with joy and delight.

This image of pure delight has been an antidote to the other images of pain, murder, death and violence which reach us daily from the news, images on TV which shock and repel and to which we are exposed daily. I keep the little girl in my mind when tempted to anger, sorrow, depression, hopelessness. The world’s problems are too huge to bear but a little girl says yes to the rain and lets it be done to her.

Moments like these are saving the world.

Paul writes in Philippians:

Finally, fill your mind with everything that is true, everything that is noble, everything that is good and pure, everything that we love and honour and everything that can be thought virtuous or worthy of praise….Then the God of peace will be with you.

Philippians 4:8

And a little child shall lead you. (Isaiah 11:6)


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.