CIM Preparation

CIM Preparation
Becoming a Companion In Mission
One of the delights of the journey in faith that is becoming a Companion in Mission with the Sisters Faithful Companions of Jesus is the discovery that you are called to become more deeply involved in understanding and living out this special charism in daily life. This identification results in the desire to “go deeper”.
In order to do this with integrity and with the full appreciation of what this entails, prospective Companions in Mission are invited into a Formation Programme.
The Formation Programme usually runs with regular meetings for approximately eighteen months, depending on local circumstances, and provides those committed to the group with an insight into what will be involved in becoming a committed Companion. As candidates come together, the schedule may vary according to the composition of the group.
This preparation programme aims to deepen one’s spirituality and commitment to the group of members brought together through this process of enlightenment and discernment.

Over the course of the programme, members will discover more about the life of foundress, Marie Madeleine and her charism. Scripture study, prayer experience and retreats, an introduction to Ignatian spirituality, as well as personal and trusting sharing in groups is part of the growth process towards becoming a Companion.
As the programme is undertaken, a more prayerful and reflective approach to life becomes part of the fruition of understanding of Companionship, in both its active apostolic and more contemplative aspects.
Usually facilitated by an FCJ sister, and often with another CIM, the group is called to identify injustice in the world and what and where and how this is being addressed by the Society in its outreach. This may entail embarking on local apostolic endeavours to assist those in need or undertaking activities whose funds will support FCJ missionary work in various countries across the globe.
After completing the Formation Programme, the prospective Companion discerns, in consultation with an FCJ sister, his/her readiness to take the next step. This involves applying in writing with an outline of what one can offer and hopes to receive in becoming a Companion in Mission. If this is accepted, the member is invited to proceed by an FCJ Leader. Once this approval has been granted, a ceremony of commitment is organised.

In the ceremony of commitment those members making commitment, with support, choose their theme, readings and reflection for this special event. A special badge is presented, as an exterior sign of closeness to the FCJ Sisters and all the good they do in the world.
After commitment, the group continues to meet on a regular basis, as decided by their particular situation, and continues to grow in faith and fidelity as they journey on with the Society.