On an Emmaus Walk

Oak buds swelling at the end of March, Bob Embleton

Sr Ita, fcJ and Marilyn, a Companion in Mission from Calgary, are coordinating a small group of Companions in Mission in Formation in Calgary. In these times of COVID-19 they have had to cancel their April meeting, but instead each of the members of the group has been encouraged to go on an Emmaus walk.

Here are Marilyn and Ita’s reflection on their Emmaus walks.


The Road to Emmaus – my experience
by Marilyn, FCJ Companion in Mission

As I walked along my back alley, a lot of clutter, melting, pebbles, my mind wandering. I sensed His Presence, within my spirit. I felt so protected, at His nearness, He looks at me and smiles, I just want to hold His hand. He knows. I have so many questions, so much Love for Him I sing praises, He takes my hand and I cling to Him, He squeezes my hand and tells me – “I am with you always, through your highs and through your dark valleys – I will NEVER leave you”. He goes on to say – “My SPIRIT is real and will direct your path, be open to My leading. My Spirit will lead you as I live within you.” He is sharing the scriptures with Me!
Suddenly I am very near my destination and He has left to spend time with others. I understand, but don’t want Him to go.
It makes me think of these words to an older hymn: He walks with me and He talks to me, and He tells me I am His own – and the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known.
I experienced such Love, such Joy, and such Peace, and as I serve Him today, I still experience these. One day I will see Him again and so will we all.

How do I Love you, Jesus, let me count the ways. YOU are my SAVIOUR, my COMFORTER and my All in All.
How Wonderful YOU are and as your Holy Spirit works in and through my life. May I always be aware of Your call and trust your Words to me, knowing You are my Light. Amen


Emmaus Walk
by Sr Ita, fcJ

I am walking soulfully,
the paved path lying straight ahead,
between playgrounds and houses
amid still bare winter trees with a hint of swelling buds.
The overcast day, light Spring clouds, seems to suit my inner state.
 Sadness, heaviness, and helplessness.
“What are you thinking?“ asks my Companion.
“Why are you downcast?” Don’t you believe in me,
that I am risen and am the One who holds all things in my hands?
Why are you weeping, like Mary?
Who are you looking for?”
The question brings me to my senses.
“Of course I am looking for you, Jesus.
Of course I believe in your risen power.
Of course I know that you hold all those old people in care homes and in hospitals,
hooked up to oxygen and ventilators- all
 in your heart and in your hands.
And you hold me too, with my heartbreak and feelings of grief for the helpless ones
in your hands and your embrace.”

Tree sparrow (Passer montanus) foraging amongst blooming snowdrops.

Sparrows and Chicadees are singing and twittering in the bushes and trees.
Not one falls to the ground without the Father knowing it.
People walk in pairs, keeping social distance
enjoying the advent of Spring.

The snow still lies in the shady places among the trees on the bank leading down to the river valley.
Nature is waiting and so are we.

“Tell me a story”, I say.
“Was it not necessary that I should suffer and so enter into my glory?
Is it not necessary that you, who are part of me, who are my body on this earth
should suffer also before entering into a time of resurrection?
Accept and grieve with the suffering and the dying
and from the depths let your prayer of love and acceptance
heal my wounds in the wounds of the world.”
The breath of Jesus, breathed on me, is his own Spirit
given freely. I breathe it out to the world.
I must wait, like the world waits
for the day of liberation from isolation and news of death,-
a time that will surely come for all who believe.

I wait in joyful hope.


Photos: Oak Buds Swelling at the end of March, © Bob Embleton (cc-by-sa/2.0). Tree sparrow amongst snowdrops, by hedera.baltica from flickr (cc-by-sa/2.0).