Celebriamo Marie Madeleine… e Buon Esempio
Leggi l'ultimo numero di questa newsletter Una donna per il nostro tempo - Il tema è "Celebriamo Marie Madeleine… e Buon...
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Leggi l'ultimo numero di questa newsletter Una donna per il nostro tempo - Il tema è "Celebriamo Marie Madeleine… e Buon...
Leggi l'ultimo numero di questa newsletter. Il tema è "La Venerabile Marie Madeleine... una sorella maggiore che prega con...
Leggi l'ultimo numero di questa newsletter Una donna per il nostro...
Leggi l'ultimo numero di questa newsletter Una donna per il nostro tempo - Il tema è "Celebriamo Marie Madeleine… e le...
Read the latest issue of this newsletter - through it we hope to make more widely known the life and work of Marie Madeleine, the Foundress of the FCJ sisters. ...
Leggi l'ultimo numero di questa newsletter Una donna per il nostro tempo - Il tema è "Celebriamo Marie Madeleine… e i...
Leggi l'ultimo numero di questa newsletter Una donna per il nostro tempo - Il tema è "Celebriamo Marie Madeleine… e la Sua Opera per le...
Leggi l'ultimo numero di questa newsletter Una donna per il nostro tempo - Il tema è "Celebriamo Marie Madeleine…e in...
Leggi l'ultimo numero di questa newsletter Una donna per il nostro tempo - Il tema è Una donna della...
Often we hear it said of someone ‘She’s a real saint!’ – in other words her goodness is recognised by those among whom she lives and works and serves as a challenge and example to...
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Fintanto che saremo profondamente unite dal vincolo della carità, nulla ci deve preoccupare.
A vocations weekend for women in their 20s and 30s is coming up soon in Liverpool at FCJ Centre St Hugh's - A weekend considering the call of God in our lives and finding out more about the vocation to Religious Life. ... See MoreSee Less
Vocations Weekend for Women - Faithful Companions of Jesus
A live-in weekend for considering the call of God in our lives and finding out more about the vocation to Religious Life.0 CommentsComment on Facebook
FCJ Spirituality Centre London invites you to their monthly ONLINE evening retreats, a reflective and prayerful time on a Thursday or Friday evening.This month, on Thursday 30 January, they will spend time deepening our understanding of the themes of the Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee Year, making connections between our lives, our world and the call to celebrate Jubilee. ... See MoreSee Less
Online Monthly Evening Retreat: Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee Year - Faithful Companions of Jesus
FCJ Spirituality Centre London invites you to their ONLINE monthly evening retreats.0 CommentsComment on Facebook
FCJ Sisters Inez and Lina and postulant Felicia from Yogyakarta, Indonesia, embarked on a pilgrimage to end 2024 and give thanks for all its blessings. Sr Inez describes the experience. ... See MoreSee Less
A Pilgrimage to End 2024 - Faithful Companions of Jesus
FCJ Sisters Inez and Lina and postulant Felicia embarked on a pilgrimage to mark the end of 2024.0 CommentsComment on Facebook
Congratulations to the recipients of the FCJ Bicentenary Bursary fund for university students in Liverpool. who are making great progress in their studies. Read more about them here... ... See MoreSee Less
FCJ Bicentenary Bursary Students - Faithful Companions of Jesus
The FCJ Bicentenary Bursary fund supports university students in courses that fit in with the priorities in the FCJ Calls from the General Chapter 2019 and the FCJ Values from the schools.1 CommentComment on Facebook
Bursaries are a great idea
You can now subscribe to the online newsletter of FCJ Spirituality Centre London to find out about their events this month. See their post below... ... See MoreSee Less
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Join us to celebrate the beginning of our Jubilee journey. ... See MoreSee Less
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Love surrounds us. Let us have eyes and hearts open to perceive it. ... See MoreSee Less
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... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it, or it's been deleted.0 CommentsComment on Facebook
Praying through Advent. #faithfulcompanionsofjesus #fcjsisters #FCJinAdvent #thefaithfulnessofGod #advent ... See MoreSee Less
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Praying through Advent. #faithfulcompanionsofjesus #fcjsisters #FCJinAdvent #thefaithfulnessofGod #advent ... See MoreSee Less
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Praying through Advent. #faithfulcompanionsofjesus #fcjsisters #FCJinAdvent #thefaithfulnessofGod #advent ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from Marie Madeleine D'Houët (Foundress of the FCJ Sisters)'s post ... See MoreSee Less
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Praying through Advent. #faithfulcompanionsofjesus #fcjsisters #FCJinAdvent #thefaithfulnessofGod #advent ... See MoreSee Less
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Praying through Advent. #faithfulcompanionsofjesus #fcjsisters #FCJinAdvent #thefaithfulnessofGod #advent ... See MoreSee Less
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Amen to that 🙏💕🙏
Praying through Advent. #faithfulcompanionsofjesus #fcjsisters #FCJinAdvent #thefaithfulnessofGod #advent ... See MoreSee Less
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