Consecrated Life – Gift for a Broken Church and World

Praying for Consecrated Women

An reflection by Sr Lynne, fcJ, first appeared at FCJ Sisters Blog

This morning when I saw Pope Francis’ message on the Pope’s Video I was very touched by his acknowledgement of the role of consecrated women in the Church and world.

At our General Chapter in 2019 we recognised the call to be ‘Women of Hope and Energy for a Broken Church and World’. We see much that is suffering and struggling around us; we recognise unjust structures that oppress and discriminate; we acknowledge the harm done by humanity to the entire creation, and yet we hear God’s loving call – a call of hope and joy. We are called to be resurrection people, offering healing, listening, welcome and hope.

The video speaks to me of joy – of a world made brighter by people who will give themselves to goodness. Pope Francis acknowledges that at times this service given by so many consecrated women is reduced to servitude by some men in the Church… a perspective that does not diminish the action but surely dims the light. We are called beyond discrimination and suffering to teach, love and heal – to be co-workers with Jesus.

On this feast of the Presentation, Candlemas, the revelation of the LIGHT to the world, lets rejoice in our consecration, celebrate religious life and be people who give witness to hope and love having the last word.