Laudato Si’ Week in our Limerick Schools

Laudato Si’ Week in our Limerick Schools

Students and staff in both Laurel Hill Secondary School FCJ and Laurel Hill Coláiste FCJ marked Laudato Si’ Week by planting two new trees in the school garden. Members of the Transition Year Environmental Committee in Laurel Hill Secondary School planted an acer tree, and the 6th Year Prefects from Laurel Hill Coláiste planted a cotoneaster tree. In the blessing which followed, the students prayed that these trees would be a reminder of the school communities’ commitment to care for our environment.

Laudato Si’ Week in our Limerick Schools   Laudato Si’ Week in our Limerick Schools

Students from the schools are pictured with their Principals, Mr Michael Cregan (Secondary School) and Ms Úna Uí Ghríofa (Coláiste) alongside their School Chaplains, Sr Geraldine fcJ and Sr. Teresa fcJ, and Mr Marcin Blok, Secondary School Caretaker.