Sr Meita fcJ, from the Yogyakarta community, works with diffabled persons and their families. In Indonesia we use the term diffabled for persons with disabilities.
This year I have been meting with five families who have children with cerebral palsy special needs. Three of them are aged six and seven, while two are teenagers. On 15 July, I conducted an assessment with a doctor and therapist from Yakkum (a Christian Rehabilitation Center). We went from house to house. Two weeks later we invited the five families to gather at Sarasvita FCJ Spirituality Centre as a follow-up to the assessment. We offered activities assisted by young Muslim volunteers who picked the families up and escorted them. Only four families were able to come because one of the mothers was about to give birth.
In this meeting, besides families getting to know and meet each other, they received information about their children’s needs, debriefed with doctors, and learned to do therapy with a therapist for their children who each have different needs.

Meetings between families have coloured their lives because they can share and laugh together which gives new energy in living their lives besides the knowledge they get. I am very grateful for the kindness of young people who are willing to share and help others with enthusiasm and joy apart from seeing the joy of the parents. The joy that is shared becomes a blessing for me.