Where We Are

Where We Are
Where we are
The FCJ Sisters live and work in three main areas: Europe, The Americas, Asia and Australia.
Our one mission unites us, but our ministries are diverse—contemporary expressions of Marie Madeleine’s vision and inspiration.
Growing together, we strive to make God’s presence known and loved in our world.
We, FCJs, are in an international Society of Roman Catholic Sisters living in Asia, Australia, Europe and the Americas. We also collaborate with the UISG Solidarity with South Sudan programme and have one sister living in South Sudan.
Organised into provinces we are one body committed to living our charism of faithful companionship with Jesus. We are enriched by our cultural diversity and internationality, Easter people celebrating the life of the Risen Christ. Ignatian women, we seek to find God in all things and we find joy in being sent on mission.
Since 1993, a group of women and men, also scattered across the globe, have chosen to make a formal commitment to live our charism of faithful companionship with Jesus. These people are called FCJ Companions in Mission.
Our one mission unites us, but our ministries are diverse—contemporary expressions of Marie Madeleine’s vision and inspiration. Some of our ministry outreach is exercised through corporate works, FCJ Institutions and Schools, again in diverse parts of the world. The success of these corporate works depends on the commitment of our lay colleagues.
Growing together, we strive to make God’s presence known and loved in our world.