Her Cause

Her Cause
Marie Madeleine—the cause for her canonisation
Marie Madeleine is a companion to us today, praying with and for us, and ready to assist us. So ask her to pray with you for what you need.
Venerable Marie Madeleine d’Houët
was born in France in 1781, and in her teenage years experienced the social unrest that followed the Revolution. She married Joseph de Bonnault d’Houët in 1804 but after just ten months was widowed. Her baby was born a month after Joseph’s death. As a young, single mother she lived a committed Christian life. She doted on her child, showed herself a responsible daughter and a loving sister and showed a strong social conscience. Marie Madeleine enjoyed a social life too, and seriously considered remarrying. But deep in her heart she sensed she was called to something else and step by step followed this call. Mary Magdalene and the women of the Gospel were an inspiration to her.
The words I thirst spoken by Jesus on the Cross touched Marie Madeleine’s heart deeply. This ardent young woman known for her generous spirit, zest for life and firm will became what she was called to be, a faithful companion of Jesus. God himself led her in 1820 to form a Society of apostolic women who would live out the Ignatian ideal, and be faithful companions of Jesus.
A saintly woman
Within a short time of Marie Madeleine’s death in 1858 people were speaking of her as a saintly woman. In 1878, her Cause, (the process leading up to a canonization) was strongly recommended to Pope Leo XII. In 1916, Pope Benedict XV signed the Process that introduced the Cause of Marie Madeleine and she was pronounced Venerable. In November 1970, Pope Paul VI promulgated the Decree testifying to the heroicity of her virtues. This Decree is the Church’s official declaration that Marie Madeleine lived a truly saintly life.
The final step before her canonisation is her beatification. Before this can happen, proof is needed that through the intercession of Marie Madeleine something surprising and wonderful has taken place, something inexplicable by natural or scientific laws. In other words proof is needed that through her intercession a miracle has occurred. Whilst this seems an enormous task, one way to begin is by asking favours of her in every day life.
Marie Madeleine is a companion to us today, praying with and for us, and ready to assist us. So ask her to pray with you for what you need.
Our response today
We, Faithful Companions of Jesus today, our Companions in Mission, and several of our colleagues and friends long for the day when Marie Madeleine will be officially recognised as a saint. We believe that this recognition would make her more widely known and her special gift to the Church more readily available.
For this reason, in the last few years, we have been joyfully pursuing this end. We have introduced a Marie Madeleine newsletter and published other resources which tell her story as a woman for our time.
Marie Madeleine Newsletters Issues 1-17

Celebrating Venerable Marie Madeleine d’Houët: Wife, Mother and Religious Foundress

Marie Madeleine Newsletter Bicentenary Issue

Marie Madeleine Newsletter December 2020 - On Gentleness

Marie Madeleine Newsletter March 2021 - A Woman of the Church

Marie Madeleine Newsletter July 2021 - On Companionship

Marie Madeleine Newsletter November 2021 - Her Work for Women

Marie Madeleine Newsletter February 2022 - Gardens

Marie Madeleine Newsletter June/July 2022 - Marie Madeleine and Business Enterprise

Marie Madeleine Newsletter October 2022 - On Memories

Marie Madeleine Newsletter February 2023 - Favours, consolations and hints of miracles

Marie Madeleine d’Houët: A Volcanic Frenchwoman, by Mary Malone

Marie Madeleine Newsletter Nov 2023 - An 'older sister' who prays with us

Marie Madeleine Newsletter Sep 2024 - Good Example

The Postulator of the Cause undertakes to promote the cause of Marie Madeleine in Rome. The Vice-Postulator co-ordinates the Society-wide efforts to make Marie Madeleine known and encourages prayer asking for Marie Madeleine’s help in our daily lives. Coordinators in each Province of the Society assist her.
Dr Valentina Culurgioni has been appointed by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican to serve as the Postulator for the cause of Venerable Marie Madeleine. Valentina is a woman of intelligence, talent and devout faith. She brings much to this important role. She has reappointed Sr Mary Claire Sykes fcJ as Vice-Postulator.
If you have an experience of Marie Madeleine’s help, we would be delighted to share your joy. Please do let us know through our Contact page or mail to:
Sr Mary Claire Sykes fcJ, Vice Postulator
63 Rue de la Santé, 75013 Paris, France.
Check our resource page for more on Marie Madeleine and her cause. Read the letters from Sr Claire, the Vice-Postulator to mark the feast of Marie Madeleine in 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

If you have particular requests for which you would like FCJ Sisters to join with you in prayer, please contact us using our Contact page.