On Saturday 21 October, Sr Hartini, from the FCJ community in Yogyakarta, led a pilgrimage of 53 students and 10 teachers from three Junior High Schools to several places in Central Java. We went to Gedono, a Trappist monastery of female religious, in Salatiga; to a Marian shrine in Pereng; and to the graves of three priests in Muntilan: Father Van Lith SJ, Cardinal Darmojuwono, and Father Sanjaya, who laid the foundations of the Catholic faith in Java, especially in the Archdiocese of Semarang.
The aims of the trip were to trace the development of the Catholic faith, especially in Java, and to introduce contemplative life, a form of religious life which is different from other forms seen in Yogyakarta. The hope was that this experience would strengthen the faith of those who took part in it. Everyone had a great day and felt even more committed to their lives as Catholics.

Top photo: Visiting the grave of Cardinal Darmojuwono