Meita, fcJ

Sharing hope, love and mercy

Our fragile, fragmented world hungers for compassionate presence. As women of the Church, standing at the foot of contemporary crosses. We are channels of hope, love and mercy in our villages, town and cities. (FCJ general Chapter Directions 2013)

I work for disabled people and their families in Indonesia. Most of them live in a rural area and poor. Working for people who are marginalized by the society and listening to their story are very precious to me. It is a service of sharing hope, love and mercy.

So, I started to build networking with social workers or other professionals, NGO’s and Government to work together as a channel of hope for them. Recently, we took them and their families on a picnic to Prambanan Temple.  We enjoyed singing, laughing and sharing stories together.  The time together helped them to feel that they were not alone. They know that they can support each other.  I am really grateful to be with and walk with them as a Faithful Companion of Jesus.

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