Mission in Action at the FCJ Learning and Development Center

Staff at FCJ Learning and Development Center in Metro Manila

A recent Caritas Australia Mission in Action Seminar featured the work of FCJ Sisters and colleagues at the FCJ Learning and Development Center in the Philippines. A recording of this webinar is now available with stories about the challenges communities in the Philippines have overcome with the support from Caritas Australia and its partners. FCJ Center staff Rossele and Nina and Sr. Vanessa fcJ shared their programs and how they support neighbours in the urban slums of the Philippines.

The contributions from Caritas Australia and many other benefactors has helped people like Ronita, to gain an education, receive access to life changing healthcare, become connected with their community and experience opportunities that otherwise may never have been possible. Ronita was featured in Caritas Australia’s campaign – find out more about Ronita on our website.

Here is some of the feedback from people who attended the webinar (source: Caritas Australia):

โ€œโ€ฆ I know when I support Caritas that really good projects are assisted, I can tell this from the material that Caritas feeds back to us. But it is very special for you to take out some of your very precious time to give us personal feedback from workers and participants in your education and building programs. This zoom presentation has been great.ย  Thanks very much for this! ย โ€ฆโ€

โ€œGreat having people speak who are actually living what they are saying. It was a joy to see how the FCJ Development Centre has established a sure foundation for the next generations to comeโ€ฆโ€

โ€œIt is so confronting to see and hear about the conditions for so many people in the Philippines but somewhat reassuring to know our Caritas contributions can make such a difference for at least some people. Thank you to all who shared!โ€

More info: https://www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion/mission-in-action-seminar-the-philippines/

Photo taken from the Caritas Australia website.