Sarasvita is Six Years Old

On the afternoon of Saturday 28 October 2023 the FCJ sisters in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, had a simple celebration in gratitude for the sixth anniversary of Sarasvita FCJ Centre for Spirituality and Human Development. They were blessed with the presence of Sr. Bonnie, FCJ (FCJ General Leader), Sr. Ruth, FCJ (FCJ General Assistant) and Sr. Afra, FCJ (FCJ Leader of the Area of Asia) as well as all FCJ sisters in Yogyakarta, volunteers and friends of Sarasvita.

The celebration began with a Eucharist, led by Fr Rukiyanto, SJ. At the end of the Mass, Ms Erlina, the Director of Sarasvita, gave words of gratitude to all. As they sang โ€œHappy Birthdayโ€, Sr. Afra cut the tumpeng – a traditional Javanese dish which symbolizes joy, gratitude and hope. It is made of rice in a cone-shape with side dishes of vegetables and meat. Then Sr. Afra handed it to Sr. Bonnie as a sign of our respect and gratitude for all of the blessings of love and support we have received through out the years.