Blessed: Meditations on a Life of Small Wonders

Blessed, by Ann Renie

Our FCJ Companion in Mission, Ann Rennie, from Australia is still basking in the fun of the launch of her new book Blessed: Meditations on a Life of Small WondersAnn Rennie is currently teaching English and Religious Education at Genazzano FCJ College, and she has been published in The Age, The Australian, SMH, Madonna, and for the past thirteen years has had a regular column in Australian Catholics.

Blessed, by Ann RenieThe book – part memoir, part meditation – speaks of Ann’s own happy days at school and the influences that made her become a teacher at the rather advanced age of 37! The book also details some of the adventures she had prior to making this decision as to a purposeful and productive working life. In a recent podcast with Jonathan Doyle, Ann had the opportunity to talk about the teaching profession as a lead-in to promoting the book, where her experience as student and teacher is unpacked.

You will want to savour every piece of this beautiful book. Ann Rennie is an adventurer of the spirit. In lucent prose, she shares her journeys, both near and far, with relish for their deeper possibilities. Her intrepid heart will find the sunny side of every road. Her gratitude for even the more challenging parts of life sings from every page. It is her readers who are blessed.

Michael McGirr

As parts of Australia continue to navigate lockdown, Ann refers to page 324 in the book: Courage does not have a use-by date. I was writing then of Captain Tom Moore and his inspirational effort last year and a reminder that we can hold on and hold strong through the pandemic till the days ahead brighten.