FCJ Refugee Centre Fall Newsletter

FCJ Refugee Centre

Find out what is new at the FCJ Refugee Centre in Toronto on their Fall 2023 Newsletter. Click to open it and catch up on their new programs and events.

Check it out to find all the information about the prestigious Guthrie Award received posthumously by their beloved co-director Francisco Rico-Martínez, an FCJ Companion in Mission; the participation of the FCJ Youth Network at the CCR Youth Action Gathering; an update of the services we provide in their primary health clinic; the Open House in which they opened the doors to the community after all the renovations we’ve been doing; the success of Ride for Refuge, their biggest fundraising event of the year (thank you!); the appointment of FCJ Refugee Centre’s Senior Director, Diana Gallego, as President of the Canadian Council for Refugees, and much more!

FCJ Refugee Centre in Toronto serves refugees and others at risk due to their immigration status, and welcomes anyone asking for advice, counsel and support regarding their refugee or immigration claim process. The Centre addresses systemic issues that newly arrived refugee claimants face in Canada including lack of resources, marginalization, and discrimination.