The latest issue of Adelante Junt@s, the newsletter of the FCJ Sisters in the Americas and their Companions in Mission is out!
From the Editor, Sr Terry, fcJ:
Welcome to our November 2020 edition of Adelante Junt@s!
Covid times have not stopped our contributors for this season’s newsletter. There are three articles to assist people in appreciating and practising the daily Examen that were shared on a Zoom course from the FCJ Christian Life Centre in Calgary. Other reflections on our lives may also be of interest to you, our readers. Articles from both of our jubilarians, Sisters Mary Bresnihan and Margaret Mary Benoit, are included. Imagine: seventy years of vows and still writing for a newsletter!
Special thanks to Sister Bonnie Moser for permission to use her piece that she had sent to the Religious Women of Toronto for their paper entitled The Open Liner.
Take a look at the current issue of Adelante Junt@s:
Adelante Junt@s - November 2020