A Poem for Ash Wednesday by Upton Hall Students

Upton Hall students pray on ash wednesday

Upton Hall School FCJ marked Ash Wednesday with a prayer service. The theme was Widening the circle of love, the title of the calls issued by the General Chapter 2019 of the FCJ Society. The school is also celebrating the Bicentenary 1820-2020 of the FCJ Society.

Four year-9 students who are FCJ ethos representatives, Rosie, Amelie, Ella and Sophie, wrote a poem for the service. Rosie made a drawing (see image) to accompany the poem which was projected during the reading of the poem. We share both here with their permission.

Let us reflect on the past 200 years,
The FCJ community, our friends and peers.
See how much our message has grown,
One young lady with a sense of love to be shown.

Help us reflect on how we too can show companionship,
Not just to our neighbours but to our world, our stewardship.
Let us appreciate the planet, our common earth,
Cease to be envious and make way for new birth.

Protect Godโ€™s creation and stop pollution,
Help us to work together and find a solution.
De pollute the oceans, forests and skies,
But also the selfish wanting inside our minds.

Help us to be compassionate to whoever we see,
Migrants, refugees, whoever they may be.
Break down the barriers of greed, selfishness and pride,
Let us teach the vulnerable thereโ€™s no need to hide.

We offer help and support to embrace all of society,
And make kindness and compassion our priority.
God made his creation to be enjoyed and shared,
Not for people to go hungry while others simply do not care.

Reach out a hand to all of Godโ€™s people,
To offer love and support we all are capable.
In each and every way,
We are widening our circle of kindness everyday.