What’s on at Katherine House FCJ Spirituality Centre, December 2018

By Marie, Director of Katherine House FCJ Spirituality Centre

As we move into Advent I hope you are able to take some time for quiet and peace. If quiet is in short supply where you are right now, we have buckets of it, come and enjoy some here.

I’m looking forward to our Advent Retreat on Saturday 15th Dec. It will be a lovely pause for prayer before the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season – come and join us. Let me know soon as places are filing up.

Some of our regular things, bible study and film club have been moved earlier this month because of the Christmas holidays so make sure you have the right dates.

If you are interested in Pathways into Prayer in the new year please book a place soon. Start your year by deepening your prayer life and learning different ways of praying.

An interesting day in January will be a day on Etty Hillesum whose fascinating voice was interupted when she was killed at Auschwitz aged only 29.

Have a blessed Christmas and I hope to see you in the New Year

December Diary 

Thurs  6 Dec   10:30am – 3:30pm |  Retreat day   At Elizabeth’s House
Sat  8 Dec   10:30am – 4:30pm   |   Be still with God Quiet day
Mon 10 Dec  7-9pm  | The Greatest Good Part 4 evening  – Ancient & Modern
Tues 11 Dec  9:00am -5:00pm  |  Clergy day Rest and recharge for clergy
Tues 11 Dec  7-9pm  |  “Lady Bird” Film Night
Thurs 13 Dec  10:30am – 12:30pm   |  The Greatest Good  Part 4 morning – Ancient & Modern
Thurs 13 Dec  1:30 – 4pm  |  “Lady Bird” Film afternoon
Thurs 13 Dec  7-9pm |  Dare to be a Daniel: Regular Bible Study – Daniel Part 3 of 3
Sat 15 Dec  10:30am – 3:30pm  |  Advent Retreat: Enter into the story of the nativity

() What's on at Katherine House FCJ Spirituality Centre, December 2018