The latest issue of FCJNews, the newsletter of the FCJ Sisters in Australia is out!
The issue’s foreward is titled Forging the future and welcomes readers to the final hard-copy edition of FCJ News. FCJ News has been a comprehensive and important record of FCJ activites in Australia and Asia and will continue production in digital form. Issues have been available on our website for a number of years. Eliminating printing and postage will allow for considerable cost-saving.
Many things have to change course, but it is we human beings above all who need to change.
Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ #202
The issue also pays tribute to FCJ Companion in Mission Julie Chamberlin and her work on the edition of FCJNews and, more impprtantly, her support of the work of FCJ sisters in various places, particularly in the Philippines.
Thanks to all contributors! Past issues of FCJNews are available on our website.
Read the latest issue:
FCJNews – December 2022
![FCJNews 2022 December cover](