Novena in Memory of Marie Madeleine – Day 1

On 21st September, we celebrate the birthday of Marie Madeleine, who founded the FCJ Society in France almost 200 years ago. Join us as we make a novena in her memory prepared by our sisters in the Philippines.


In November 1816, Marie Madeleine had a time of retreat under the guidance of Fr. Sellier. At the end of the retreat Fr. Sellier indicated to Marie Madeleine that God intended to show her special marks of love and mercy. He urged her to lead a more perfect life and to make the vow of chastity but she firmly resisted to do so.


This novena in memory of Marie Madeleine has been prepared by the sisters in the Philippines. Follow the novena in their facebook page:  FCJ Sisters and Friends Philippines.

Follow our Bicentenary celebrations at #FCJ200.