To honour our foundress, Marie Madeleine d’Houët (1781-1858), and to celebrate the launching of the Bicentenary of the FCJ Society 1820-2020, around 20th-21st September FCJ Sisters and all FCJ schools took part in random acts of kindness as Marie Madeleine once did. With the anniversary of her birthday, 21st September, it is fitting that we celebrate her by taking part in creating a wave of kindness encompassing the globe.
For a taste of the variety of activities that went on around the world to day to mark the #FCJ200 Day of Kindness, please have a look at #FCJ200 on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Lots of photos and even a little video. We have collected some of the messages and images below.
Bellerive FCJ Catholic College, Liverpool, UK
Our preparations for #FCJ200 continue with assemblies led by our Headteacher on the FCJ Sisters story. The courage and confidence of Marie Madeleine stands as an example to us. The day of kindness started with morning prayer in chapel and people are wishing each other a happy day of kindness! May we help each other to grow in love and gentleness. Click on the photos to see the captions.
FCJ Sisters in Ireland, present at the National Ploughing Championships
Team FCJ at the at the National Ploughing Championships in Ballintrane, Fenagh, County Carlow was composed by Marion, Bernadette, Teresa, Anouska, Lynne and Susan. There were fantastic days and a great run up to our Bicentenary Celebrations.

Laurel Hill Coláiste FCJ and Laurel Hill Secondary, Limerick, Ireland,
Happy bicentenary to all the FCJ’s!! Míle buíochas to Sr Geraldine and Sr Teresa for organising our FCJ global day of kindness today! #FCJ200 #bród

Gumley House School FCJ, London, UK
It’s a day filled with Acts of Kindness, celebrating 200 years of the FCJ community. We share this day with the entire FCJ community around the planet.
Every student. Every year group. These are their commitments of kindness in celebration of 200 years of the Faithful Companions of Jesus. Click on the photos to see the captions.

Upton Hall School, Wirral, UK
The school chaplain gave assemblies to all year groups to begin the day and year of kindness. Everyone at Upton is smiling and happy and spreading joy in any way possible. The power of just a smile from everybody is really quite transforming. The Head girls team presented a cheque on behalf of the school to the Ferries Family Groups charity, a local charity that the school is supporting this year.
Maria Fidelis Catholic School, London
On Friday, Maria Fidelis 6th Form celebrated #fcj200 global Day of Kindness. Students from all across the school and staff wrote appreciation cards to one another which were then distributed to #sharethelove!
FCJ Primary School, Jersey
This afternoon we enjoyed a wonderful tree planting ceremony to mark our commitment to caring for God’s creation. Children from Reception and Year 6 helped to plant our new silver birch tree. What a fantastic day we have shared.
Genazzano FCJ College, Kew, Vic, Australia
Together with all FCJ schools around the globe, eleven in total, Genazzano celebrated the beginning of the FCJ Bicentenary yesterday by enjoying a Global Day of Kindness. Marie Madeleine d’Houet founded the Society of the Faithful Companions of Jesus 200 years ago, and to honour her all schools went out of their way to display random acts of kindness as Marie Madeleine once did. It is also the anniversary of her birthday today, so it is fitting that we celebrate her birth by taking part in creating a wave of kindness encompassing the globe.
At Genazzano, we see acts of kindness every day, so it was wonderful to witness students and staff share more acts of kindness in recognition of the extraordinary kindness that all the Sisters FCJ have spread throughout the world.
It is wonderful to see our ELC3 children getting involved with the community. They have been collecting long-life milk so the service users could “have some milk on their hot porridge for breakfast” This project was a wonderful way for the children to spread Marie Madeleine’s message of love and companionship through a focus on kindness.
Notre Dame de France, Paris, France
Today in Paris, Notre Dame de France launched the FCJ Bicentenary celebrations, with the whole school from Lycee to Kindergarten in the school courtyard!
Manchester, UK
Two of the commitments of the FCJ Sisters in Europe for our Bicentenary are
- to publicly acknowledge the impact of climate change on the poorest people in Society, raising awareness of issues locally, nationally and internationally, and becoming involved in advocacy where possible
- to celebrate the beauty of creation and make a positive contribution to our local environment.

Celebrating at Gumley House Convent in London

Children Tutorial in FCJ Manila, a part of Marie Madeleine passion and FCJ Ministry. 21st September 2019. Happy feast day FCJ Sisters and Companions in Mission
Ende, Indonesia
Opening Mass of the 200th Anniversary Celebration of the Congregation of the FCJ Sisters.